‘DaDu’ Gaeko and Choi Ja “Monthly royalties? About the price of a foreign car”

Hip-hop duo ‘Dynamic Duo’ members Choi Ja and Gaeko showed off their honest talk.

On the 10th, a video titled ‘Choi Ja: Epik High? They’re hip-hop’ was uploaded to YouTube channel ‘Donghae Mul and Baekdu Eunhyuk’.

In the video, ‘Super Junior’ member Eunhyuk asked Choi Ja and Gaeko, “Do you earn a lot of royalties from karaoke?”

Gaeko said, “But if you want to know the details of royalties, you have to call the association and ask, ‘How much did you earn from this song?’ Then, the association staff has to print out all the documents related to that song. It’s really complicated. So I don’t know much about it,” avoiding the question.

Eunhyuk asked, “Then, what percentage of total revenue is royalties from karaoke?”

Gaeko smiled and said, “I understand you’re curious,” and made a flustered expression. Eunhyuk didn’t back down and asked again, “It’s usually about the size of a mid-sized car, right?”

Choi Ja revealed, “The most I’ve ever received in a month was about the price of a foreign car.” He continued, “There are months when I get a lot, and there are months when I get less.”

The YouTube production team said, “You don’t brag about money in hip-hop?” A flustered Gaeko responded, “Do you have to brag about money in hip-hop?” and made everyone laugh.

Gaeko and Choi Ja have been active as ‘Dynamic Duo’ since 2004. They released hit songs such as ‘Attendance Check,’ ‘Ring My Bell,’ ‘Insomnia,’ and ‘Killing Guy.’