Lee Su-ji: “The ‘Daechi Mom’ Reaction Was Bigger Than Expected… It Didn’t Go as I Intended, and the Misunderstanding Is Regrettable”

Lee Su-ji: “The ‘Daechi Mom’ Reaction Was Bigger Than Expected… It Didn’t Go as I Intended, and the Misunderstanding Is Regrettable”

Lee Su-ji, who gained attention for her parody of ‘Daechi Mom,’ has shared her thoughts on the criticism surrounding it.

On the 5th, Lee Su-ji appeared as a guest on KBS Cool FM’s Oh My Girl Hyojung’s Raise the Volume.

A listener asked, “Which character do you put the most effort into when acting? What’s the backstory behind your characters, and do you plan to create more in the future?”

Lee Su-ji responded, “I put a lot of effort into every character.”

She continued, “When we first uploaded the ‘Daechi Mom’ character, our team thought it would just be a fun memory to look back on. But the reaction was much bigger than expected, and it didn’t unfold the way I intended, which made me feel pressured. There also seem to be some misunderstandings, which is a bit disappointing.”

She added, “All of my characters are based on people around me, myself, or my own experiences. My hobby is observing people. When I go to cafes, restaurants, or crowded public places, I carefully watch people. Next time, it might be you,” she said with a laugh.

Recently, Lee Su-ji gained attention with her Jamie Mom video on YouTube, portraying a mother from the Daechi-dong neighborhood, known for its competitive education culture. While she was praised for her acting skills and realistic depiction—complete with luxury-brand outfits—some critics argued that her parody went beyond humor and was mocking parents who dedicate themselves to their children’s education.